Why Canada is the best country in the world

Why Canada is the best country in the world

Canada has been ranked as the best country in the world by the 2023 Best Countries Report, a ranking and analysis project by U.S. News & World Report, BAV Group, and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. This is the first time that Canada has achieved this honor, surpassing Switzerland, which was the previous No. 1 overall country. What makes Canada so great? Let’s take a look at some of the factors that contributed to its success.

Quality of life and social purpose

Canada ranked No. 1 in quality of life and social purpose, two of the 10 sub-categories that were analyzed by the report. Quality of life measures how well a country provides for the basic needs and personal satisfaction of its citizens, such as health care, education, safety, and environment. Social purpose measures how a country is committed to social justice, human rights, diversity, and inclusion. Canada scored high on both of these aspects, showing that it cares about the well-being and dignity of its people.

Canada is also known for its multiculturalism and tolerance, welcoming immigrants and refugees from different backgrounds and cultures. According to the report, 76% of global citizens agree that a country is stronger when it is more racially and ethnically diverse. Canada is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with more than 200 ethnic groups and 60 indigenous languages. Canada also ranked No. 2 in racial equality, behind only Norway.

Entrepreneurship and agility

Another factor that boosted Canada’s ranking was its entrepreneurship and agility, which ranked No. 5 and No. 2 respectively. Entrepreneurship measures how a country supports innovation, creativity, and competitiveness, while agility measures how a country adapts and responds to change. Canada has a strong economy that fosters growth and opportunity, with a highly skilled and educated workforce, a stable political system, and a favorable business climate. Canada is also a leader in technology, research, and development, investing in sectors such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and clean energy.

Canada’s agility was also evident in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was one of the major challenges that the world faced in 2023. Canada implemented effective public health measures, such as lockdowns, testing, tracing, and vaccination, to contain the spread of the virus and protect its citizens. Canada also provided financial and social support to individuals and businesses affected by the crisis, such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), and the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS). Canada also showed global solidarity and cooperation, donating vaccines and funds to other countries in need.


Canada is the best country in the world because it offers a high quality of life and a strong social purpose to its people, as well as a dynamic and resilient economy that supports innovation and change. Canada is also a diverse and inclusive country that respects and celebrates its differences, and a responsible and compassionate country that contributes to the global community. Canada is not perfect, and it still faces many challenges and issues, such as climate change, reconciliation with indigenous peoples, and income inequality. However, Canada is a country that strives to improve itself and the world, and that is why it deserves to be the best.

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