AI in Wildlife Conservation: A New Frontier

AI in Wildlife Conservation: A New Frontier


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various sectors, and wildlife conservation is no exception12. Conservation organizations like WWF have long used AI to monitor the health of wildlife, forests, and other ecosystems2. This post will explore how AI is being used to support conservation efforts, discussing the past, present, and future of these technologies.

The Role of AI in Wildlife Conservation

AI has been identified as one of the top three emerging technologies in conservation, helping protect species around the world1. It is used by conservationists to track and protect animals in their natural settings345. Researchers can use AI to pinpoint the position of animals, the date and time of the sighting, migratory patterns, population dynamics, and even the social environment of the animal3.

Case Study: Stopping Poachers

Zambia’s Kafue national park, home to more than 6,600 African savanna elephants, covers 22,400 sq km, making stopping poaching a big logistical challenge1. The Connected Conservation Initiative, from Game Rangers International (GRI), Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife and other partners, is using AI to enhance conventional anti-poaching efforts1. Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) thermal cameras record every boat crossing in and out of the park, day and night1. The technology has enabled a handful of rangers to provide around-the-clock surveillance1.

Case Study: Monitoring Species

AI is helping to protect species as diverse as humpback whales, koalas, and snow leopards, supporting the work of scientists, researchers, and rangers in vital tasks, from anti-poaching patrols to monitoring species1. With machine learning (ML) computer systems that use algorithms and models to learn, understand, and adapt, AI is often able to do the job of hundreds of people, getting faster, cheaper, and more effective results1.

The Future of AI in Wildlife Conservation

The application of AI in wildlife conservation is accelerating our ability to understand the world around us2. AI can be used to predict the optimal route for rangers to patrol and where deforestation is likely to occur next2. The Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security (PAWS) system, for example, uses AI to identify news that might have conservation impacts, and how PAWS has been deployed to stymie poachers2.


AI in wildlife conservation is a promising field that offers innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges. As we continue to develop and refine these technologies, we can look forward to a future where AI plays an even more significant role in protecting our planet’s biodiversity.

Keywords: AI, Wildlife Conservation, Machine Learning, Anti-Poaching, Species Monitoring, Biodiversity


  1. Five ways AI is saving wildlife – from counting chimps to locating whales | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Conservation | Pages | WWF
  3. Role of Artificial Intelligence in Wildlife Conservation - Aeologic Blog
  4. This Is Why AI In Wildlife Conservation Is So Glorious! | AIWS
  5. AI in wildlife conservation: Learn about the Latest Trends - Industry Wired

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